Shipping and Delivery Information
To ensure smooth processing of your order, please enter your shipping and billing information accurately, avoiding non-English characters or emojis.
Orders are typically shipped within 5-7 business days. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a separate email containing tracking information. The estimated delivery time is generally 2-5 business days from the date of shipment.
International Customs & Duties
We now offer fast and easy international shipping. Any applicable customs fees, import duties, or taxes will be calculated during checkout or will be communicated to you before order submission. Please be aware that these fees are the responsibility of the customer.
Shipping Fees
Shipping fees are non-refundable.
Returns & Exchanges
Due to limited stock availability, we only accept returns for items that are received damaged.
Once we have received and inspected the returned damaged product, we will notify you whether your return request has been accepted or declined.
Returned items must be unused, in their original condition, with all tags attached.